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When you think of Canada, you probably think of its picture postcard beauty – wide-open spaces, dramatic mountains, pristine forests and majestic lakes. What might not come to mind, however, is that Canada is a modern, progressive, open and tolerant multi-cultural society with 2 official languages – English and French.

Living in Canada is similar in many respects to living in other Western countries, however there are some aspects of daily life that are unique to our nation. This section of the website will give you a high level overview of our country as well as some helpful tips to know before you arrive to study in Canada.

  • World class education and high quality credentials that are recognized worldwide.


  • Canada is well known worldwide for its top notch research facilities. Students seeking post graduate studies will have great advantage earning their post graduate degree from Canada.


  • With the multiculturalism as part of Canada’s heritage, international students will mostly feel at home with the availability of ethnic food, social clubs, worship places and societies.​​


  • Affordable education: cost of living and tuition fees for international students are generally lower in Canada than in other countries.


  • Exciting campus lifestyle: from wired libraries and Olympic-quality sports facilities to public concert halls and art galleries, Canada’s post-secondary campuses offer you enormous possibilities to combine learning and leisure.


  • Possibility of immigration: Some international students with Canadian credentials and Canadian work experience may apply for permanent residency without having to leave Canada.


  • 20 hours of work per week to help international students pay for their expenses


Al-Turath University

Al Mansour, Al Nakabat street

Tel:       +964 780 111 6787

            +964 771 380 4429



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